Saturday, December 16, 2006

Web Design

Banner advert examples.
My banner advert consists of a brief animation, descriptional words to inform the viewer what the company does and finishes on the logo.
The design process for my advert started with the creation of a simple animation. I then started to think of the sort of company which would use this animation in an advert. (A backward way of designing I know - but nevermind)
The company; ‘Black Crow Productions’ is a fictional one – (based on companies such as Reel FX and Cellar of Rats) - designed to appeal to the film/games/graphics industries and provide creative productions in motion graphics, visual effects and audio production.

click on the link below to see the 2 versions of the advert (audio on):

Friday, December 15, 2006

Fashion Knitware - music video

Last term i was asked to create a video for the end of year Fashion Knitwear degree show.
The only specifications were that it had to be made up of footage of the students working and it had to last around ten minutes.
I spent a day filming the students creating their clothing in the studios at Bonington and then edited a ten minute short which was used as a back-drop projection as people were entering the show room and taking their seats.
I also produced a short music video which I suggested could be used as an actual opener to the show. The students accepted it and it was the video was the first creation that the audience saw on the night.
I think the videos were a large success as they met the criteria (and added criteria) to a degree show of a very high standard. The videos showed the a glimpse of some of the extremely hard work that went into the creation of the knitwear and I was proud to add something to a show which had an excellent production standard.
Click below to see the music video
(large file - may take a minute to load)
audio on

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006


My city symphony is a series of photos depicting the journey through Nottingham from mid-Forest Fields through the Forest Park (Goose Fare Park).
Interpreting the photos as a symphony is up to the viewer but I attempted to keep the following definition in mind while choosing what to photograph and then what to include in the finished piece.
“something that is harmoniously composed of various elements”
(MS Word ‘research’ definition- 30/10/06)
It is a symphony in two parts: the urban terrace maze that is Forest Fields and the large, open and sometimes picturesque Park. The following photos are a selection of around 30 of which I spliced together in Adobe Premiere to create a 2 minute short.

You can see it below (audio on) :

Monday, October 23, 2006

Production&Direction for camera

Script excersises

The story is of the moment that the clown loses control of what he/she is doing on stage and rebels against what is demanded of him. He does this firstly by not giving the audience the jokes they expect but by performing some forced rituals of entertainment – monkey noises, nut throwing - then by making some nonsensical statement rejecting “the teacher” and finally by leading them in a prayer to “Bill” [Murry?] and “Lenny” [Henry?], at which point the compere realises something is dreadfully wrong and tries to intervene.
The clues to the sub-text are all quite clear; The knife like microphone to the clowns throat and the complete lack of concern from the compere or audience tell a tale of an audience’s greed for entertainment at all costs and a cruel industry (the compere) that is working to give the audience what they want no matter the consequences. The only respite from the dark and gloomy script is the audiences shout of “We believe!” when the clown demands that they believe in him as he has in them.
The story ends with a hint of the clown characters schizophrenia in suggesting that he blanked out while on stage: “I keep waking up…and I’ve been asleep. I…I… What am I doing?” and also compounds the sympathy we (the audience) feel for the clown by the compere’s back stage reaction to the ‘performance’ in threatening to ruin the clowns career. The clown sits down, demoralised and seemingly not listening to the compere “Can I undo? Can I undo? Can I undo?”

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Site Specific Design

Created by theatrical "magicians" Royal de Luxe, The Sultans Elephant is a play enacted by massive mechanical puppets throughout cities across the world.

"...Shows are simple – the animal or giant arrives in town and lives its life, going about its business for a few days. Extraordinary interactions take place between passers-by and the performance; residents become enchanted with the activities of these miraculous beings and begin to follow their every move...."

Extract from the website link below

Sounds amazing - I am hoping they come back to London next year.