Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Research project Progress
The artefacts are about console and interactivity, but as I have said previously, it is the interactivity of the visual and audio play between the user and environment that they are presented with (see Guiness ad). It is not about the interactivity of giving more user control (differing, non-linear creating options - see aveaword). This second type could be tested in future artefacts.
The ads and the questionnaire are up (see here) and I have posted the link to 20 facebook friends as a guinea pig test. 1 response from a user was that it all seemed to work ok and that the process I created was not confusing. This is good news.
I really want to keep going with testing interactivity via the play of visuals and audio but also combine it with the user control element. The next was artefact was intended to be a player that gave the user different AV clips and enabled them to edit their own advert around a given theme. This could be great fun as stuff I have made in the past has been exciting when audio has been laid over the top of visuals without knowing what the outcome will be.
By chance I have stumbled on something which does exactly what I have described:
The Sweeney Todd website has a cut your own trailor section and I think it's pretty good: SWEENEY
Replicating it might be difficult - I might do a media night with friends - maybe I could control a adobe premiere time-line while they told me where to place the clips maybe...
Client Project progress

The storyboard shows a conveyor belt with various items rolling into view. The belt is erratic and the crockery keeps clinking. The room is noisy as the narrator calls out the items that come along - he/she is obviously bored.
When different items start rolling into view the narrator is at first surprised then excited. The noise dies down and seconds later is replaced by up beat piano music; the items are sparkling and all of a sudden colourful; the conveyor belt becomes smooth. The items progress into representing experience - the main element of General Store - smelling, tasting, learning or just looking.
This means that we have a crescendo of noise and shambolic movement followed by a sudden calming, rhythm and sparkle. This is also reflected in the sound design below.
Hope that wasn't too badly explained.
The voice actor and music should ensure that this is not a concern but the visuals must play their part in the transition aswell.
Another concern was that the monotone colour is too flat and boring. A more colourful pallet should be adopted to accentuate the transition. This can be added without detracting from the brand pushing that the add is doing. (the design all stems from the store logo).
Sample can be found HERE!!!