Friday, May 09, 2008
Knitware meets animation
"We actually shot our characters on green screen to start with. Then we edited, keyed and composited in AE [After Effects] to add the other elements like snow and stadium. We then outputed 723 jpeg of the clip to our knitter that used them as templates for the knits. The knitting technique is actually called in french "Tricot machine", hence the band's name!"
David Valiquette writing on Vimeo
Everytime I watch this it leaves me in a dreamy state of gooey happiness. Like I've been drugged. Love it. I especially like the mixed media approach to animation - it makes me think that all animations should start life as something physical in the real world.
The process described by Valiquette above (video to computer to knitter then back to computer) reminds me of the process used in creating Copy Shop by Virgil Widrich:
"The exploration of repetition and copying was literally undertaken by the maker (Virgil Widrich) in the process of making this film: The film was shot with digital tape and then transferred onto a computer. Each frame of the film was then printed out using a black and white laser photocopier. Those photocopies were then animated and re-shot with a 35mm camera."
Me writing here last year
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Portfolio progess
My old design listed all the projects indiscriminately (see here) and the problem as has been pointed out, is that my projects are not all specialising in one area and a prospective employer in video production may be put off in seeing web design or animation work. As Debs said, they may be tempted to go with the portfolio which shows pure specialisation in the skills they are after.
For the time being, I have split my portfolio into two sections (see here), one for AV production and one for design and animation. I have also used it as an opportunity to implement some Flash work which is more industry typical in it's use.
However, I would like to be finding jobs which could support all areas which I enjoy - video, brand design and Flash animation. This job may be what I am describing and is on my list of SPP job applications:
My Client project is crossing these boundaries in a way as it is both animated and a full AV production at the same time. Debs and Andy pointed out that the use of Flash in this way is not typical to industry, and that Maya would more likely have been used.
Maya is now in the list of programs to learn.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
PRP artefact 6
The problems I have encountered are that with the PC format using Adobe Encore there is no native support for hyperlinks from the DVD content to a web page. It has worked previously in conjunction with Sonic eDVD and a media player called InterActive player and despite this software being largely defunct I found a trial version of eDVD.
I thought I had found a solution and could still create a DVD menu which links to the web. I planned to build the DVD, burn several copies and send them to people to test. It meant they would have to install the InterActual player, which shouldn't have been too much trouble.
However......... I havn't been able to get the project to load in eDVD due to the player not working. A solution for other people with the same problem was to run any DVD player on the PC and therefore have the necessary codecs installed. This hasn't worked.
See my post on creativecow:
In not being able to user test what I have made, I have ended up with an artefact that is the same as the previous in terms of it's idea.
A bit stuck as to where the artefact is going at the moment ...
In the mean time, enjoy a screen shot of my new DVD menu:

Monday, April 14, 2008
Client Project finished

Client project is now finished. Testing earlier in the week revealed that I had some web compatibility problems Internet Explorer 7. As I had included some example HTML pages in my final product, in order to display the animation how it would be seen on the web, this was a potential problem. After re-exporting the flash files as version 6 instead of 8, it seems the problems have been fixed and the animations work across various web browsers. There is a small amount of difference in the synchronisation of the sound however from Firefox to Explorer.
The best versions can be viewed in Mozilla Firefox:
Version 1:
Version 2:
Sidebar version:
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Client Project progress: Music recording session
On Monday I had Bonnington studio hired out for recording the music that accompanies the General Store advert. It went well; with several variations of style and length recorded. I had used Nina Simone's "My Baby Just Cares For Me" as a pointer to what I had in mind. This proved to set a high standard that was difficult to match, and obviously we couldn't simply copy the track. However, I was happy that we had a lot of recording that could potentially be used and the edit is looking good so far.
Thanks go to Henry Cole for being sound engineer and pressing the right buttons. It is down to him that we got such a clean and clear sound with expert microphone selection: one true stereo Mic and two mono mics were used to create four tracks of sound which were mixed together to create a single stereo track. The streo mic was put up to the piano strings and the two other mics were placed in a triangular formation further back in the room in order to capture the reverberations of the sound as they bounce around the room.
Thanks also to Asha Patel for her piano playing skills.
This clip is just for fun and not an indication of the finished music:
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Reseach Artefact Number 5
Artefact 5 examines web access from DVDs as an extension of a branded feature such as a film.
After researching the software that enables DVDs to have embedded hyperlinks in the menus, I discovered that it is a troublesome feature,
See this:
and this (nice use of sarcasm) :
The problems sounded like technical glitches that the software developers had no appetite to fix. This lack of appetite may be to do with the DVD industries belief that people just don't watch DVDs on systems that have internet access.
I couldn't think of a DVD that I had watched that had this feature so I created a short questionnaire asking people if they had experienced web access from DVDs and if so what it was like. See this survey.
I also set about creating my own DVD with Studio Pro which uses apples DVD@ccess applet. The other option seems to be Adobe Encore which has no ability itself to include hyperlinks and relies on Sonic eDVD to be used in conjunction. Studio Pro seemed like the easier option and I so I created a DVD of my White Rabbit narrative which links to the website that I had previously created for it. I will evaluate my artifact based on the findings of the DVD and the survey.
DVD menu plan:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Client Project progress
I recorded the voice over with Jennifer King last week and it went well. Amazingly we were all done after about 2 hours. Jennifer didn't need much directing at all; she had good sense of pace and timing and understood when to add emphasis. At first I was concerned that her voice lacked character but now I am thinking that it fits the brief very well - sweet and young and should catch the ear of the target audience of students.
I have gathered and recorded other sound effects and am mixing a track for the conveyor belt. The latest version is below.
All that is left to record is the music - fixing a date when my musician and sound engineer are both free at a date when the studio is available has proved very difficult. I am currently waiting for Rob Squirrel to confirm that the studio will be available next monday during the holidays. If we cannot use the studio next week then I will use the easter holidays to fully complete all the versions of the advert minus the music and record the music as soon as we are back from easter. This would be cutting it finer than I wanted but is still perfectly feasible to complete before the deadline.
Other news is that Fairtrade want the advert to clarify the use of their logo much more precisely. Their general attitude is that with more work we would get approval however they are concerned that the store may not stock a high enough proportion of Fairtrade branded goods and that the advert refers to products which are both Fairtrade and non-Fairtrade. I think we can get the organisations approval (we must to avoid legal entanglements) However, I plan to complete a version of the advert which fits what I think they need, and also have a version that does not contain their mark in case they do not approve the version in time for the deadline.
This means some extra work but not too much as the large part of the versions of the adverts will be identical.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Artefact 4
Technical hurdles have meant that the coding for the design has not been completed in time for the deadline. It has not been a simple matter of getting the correct code within the flash file (although that isn't completely figured out) but also having a web host that allows writable file permissions on the folders.
As a result I wrote the evaluation based on these technical difficulties (couldn't have talked about anything else!) instead of the evaluation being based on the idea of custamisation.
After discussing this with Jools at the presentation we decided i should move on for the next artefact. However, I feel I have invested too much work (and about 35 quid for a new web host) to abandon this. I think I will put it on the back burner.
version 1 - (artefact 3)
version 2 - (artefact 4)
Monday, February 11, 2008
SPP - Career direction
Through the third year I have specialised in AV production and Flash animation, however the overall direction that I have intended for both Client and Research projects is branding and advertising. I feel that I am building a strong portfolio to support this with my work with the General Store Advert and Web 2.0 interactive advertising being the focus of my research literature review and artefacts.
I have been concerned with not having specialised in just one firm area. I can do Video production but am no expert camera operator; I can do Flash animation but have a great deal to learn with ActionScript. Knowing this helps define my mid term goals:
- Learn more ActionScript, particularly in conjunction with using sound and embedded video within Flash.
- Keep developing interface creating skills (yet more Flash but also Adobe Encore)
- Get more Video production experience (remake White Rabbit..?)
Having randomly met some people in the branding and advertising areas within the East midlands, and also some small time film producers and runners, I am more and more confident that companies exist in the east midlands that my skills could cater for. Although, in the main people working in film are specialist in their areas and the industry requires individuals to have specific skills. If I had to define my main area of expertise in AV I would probably say editing.
Whatever that means…
Possible specific routes post uni:
- Fire Factory and the like would be fantastic to work for.
- Other possible routes: Setting up and heading a similar company making music/corporate videos and advertising. Would need a camera crew and a 3D animator or two.
- Part time MA in Motion Graphics as a lead to lecturing.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Fire Factory music video shoot
In the morning this meant lugging a lot of equipment up the stairs and helping to set it up; I hadn't shot in the green room so just setting up was a good learning experience. The lighting was varied as it included 2 batteries of daylight fluorescent strip tubes. They were used to create dramatic, futuristic reflections in the sun-glasses of the lead artist.
I popped back in for the afternoon to see the actual filming underway. This meant staying quiet and out of the way but that was fine - just watching was a good insight.
The Fire Factory people tolerated us students well enough and I don't think we got under foot too much. We may have even made their jobs a bit easier!
The director has also promised that we can also take a look at the post production work at the studio. Am very much looking forward to this.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Research project Progress
The artefacts are about console and interactivity, but as I have said previously, it is the interactivity of the visual and audio play between the user and environment that they are presented with (see Guiness ad). It is not about the interactivity of giving more user control (differing, non-linear creating options - see aveaword). This second type could be tested in future artefacts.
The ads and the questionnaire are up (see here) and I have posted the link to 20 facebook friends as a guinea pig test. 1 response from a user was that it all seemed to work ok and that the process I created was not confusing. This is good news.
I really want to keep going with testing interactivity via the play of visuals and audio but also combine it with the user control element. The next was artefact was intended to be a player that gave the user different AV clips and enabled them to edit their own advert around a given theme. This could be great fun as stuff I have made in the past has been exciting when audio has been laid over the top of visuals without knowing what the outcome will be.
By chance I have stumbled on something which does exactly what I have described:
The Sweeney Todd website has a cut your own trailor section and I think it's pretty good: SWEENEY
Replicating it might be difficult - I might do a media night with friends - maybe I could control a adobe premiere time-line while they told me where to place the clips maybe...
Client Project progress

The storyboard shows a conveyor belt with various items rolling into view. The belt is erratic and the crockery keeps clinking. The room is noisy as the narrator calls out the items that come along - he/she is obviously bored.
When different items start rolling into view the narrator is at first surprised then excited. The noise dies down and seconds later is replaced by up beat piano music; the items are sparkling and all of a sudden colourful; the conveyor belt becomes smooth. The items progress into representing experience - the main element of General Store - smelling, tasting, learning or just looking.
This means that we have a crescendo of noise and shambolic movement followed by a sudden calming, rhythm and sparkle. This is also reflected in the sound design below.
Hope that wasn't too badly explained.
The voice actor and music should ensure that this is not a concern but the visuals must play their part in the transition aswell.
Another concern was that the monotone colour is too flat and boring. A more colourful pallet should be adopted to accentuate the transition. This can be added without detracting from the brand pushing that the add is doing. (the design all stems from the store logo).
Sample can be found HERE!!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Artifact #2 defined and ready
I haven't created the questionnaire yet using auto form, but the questions have been made. I want to test the process on a guinea pig first before committing to a questionnaire and emailing the URL to Multimedia students and Facebook users.
This is what it looks like at the moment (no link to questionnaire):
I am also thinking about future artifacts and ways of evaluating which I hope to discuss in the near future.
Career research
I found this one on :
This is interesting for me as it is requiring Flash animation skills and video editing - two of the things that I am most adept at. (It is in Australia though so i won't be applying).
This also sounds interesting for a long term future type job:
I am thinking of splitting the main page of my online portfolio into two sections though - video and Flash, as most branding & advertising companies seem to look for 1 or the other and not both Flash and video.
I saw a report on TV that said there is a direct correlation between the low happiness level of a nation and the high level of advertising it is exposed to. (UK having the highest level of adverts exposed to each person and lowest level of happiness). Do I want to be a part of that, is a good question.
So I am also looking into joining a convent and devoting my life to God as I bet it's such an easy simple life and two elderly ladies who knocked on my door said it would be good for me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Artifact #01

Click the picture above to link to a page containing my artifact.
Let the clip play and then the writing appear before clicking on anything as it could get confusing otherwise.
Much more scripting is needed to lock up buttons until the instructions have disappeared and been read by the user. I consider it to be a work in progress as their are many more things to adapt to make it more of an interactive experience. It is complete enough in order to evaluate though.
The main thing missing is sound and I would like to create and implement sound clips as my second artifact. The advert could then be re-evaluated on the basis of quantifying the improvement as an interactive experience post added sound. This could be done on line using a questionnaire perhaps, or hosted live with a group of people.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Multimedia Portfolio

What it actually is, is a homepage which links to individual pages that hold my videos and other bits of web work. Most of these pages already existed and can be found within this journal.
I should also point out that it needs lots of work:
- for one thing the pages containing videos need proper control panels, and I need to balance load time Vs picture quality.
- Also lots of little things like having the links open in new Tabs instead of replacing the homepage.
- I would also like to make the homepage look and feel more friendly and personable.
So, I need to look at job titles, bite the bullet and think about post Uni existence.............. I think I'll do an MA ;¬]
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
PRP Artifact #01
The reasons behind these choices are as follows:
Making a stop motion video requires a still camera which I had over the Christmas break and so I could begin the artefact before starting term 2.
The rambling aesthetic stop motion creates suits the materials I used which in tern suits an advert for a second hand shop.
The concept is an old school work desk littered with bits of bric-a-brac, some of which spell out the Oxfam logo. The pieces scatter and it is the users job to form them up again Into the logo.
Following my literature reviews new found understandings of interactivity I plan to centre the entire advert on the desk and the items on it in an attempt to engross the users attention fully on a small world of bric-a-brac. ActionScript Programming will also play its part and is still under way.
Certain underlying principles of web design (as taught by Snodgrass in year2: accessibility, low file sizes etc) will not be achieved by this artifact. I am deciding to ignore these on the basis that this is an experimental element of the project that just deals with ideas of interactivity within an area of personal interest - brand design.
Test video: I created this purely to realise the process needed for non-digital stop motion to work within Flash, and is an indication of aesthetics to come in the finished advert.
Advert base:

With buttons:
With buttons and video: